Tag Archives: Forever Day

In honor of Forever Day plus an awesome gift!

****** UPDATE ****** I bought Forever Yours on my Kindle and I love it! I listen to it almost every day! Does anyone know how Alex did on the charts?


In honor of Forever Day, I thought I would upload a post. Forever Day is an internet “holiday” started by Alex Day on YouTube. If you don’t know where or why Forever Day started, just YouTube it! : )

I also wanted to share what my brother got me for my birthday with all of you. Everyone who knows me knows I love Harry Potter! So, my brother, being totally awesome, got me a Harry Potter themed birthday gift. See the picture below and totally gush with me in the comments below!

I’ve also totally gotten into dueling on Pottermore. Since I started playing two days ago, I haven’t been able to stop! Pottermore has to literally kick me off, telling me I’ve exceeded my limit and that I’ll have to try again later. But it’s so fun! And I’m earning house points, which is awesome! I’m happy to be giving some points to Hufflepuff. : )

Also, just out of curiosity, how many of you are Pottermore betas and how many are still waiting for a Pottermore account? I’m so happy that school is out for the holiday and I’m able to dedicate time to Pottermore and this blog and my Twitter again, but if I wasn’t a beta, I’d be waiting on bated breath for Pottermore to open to me!

In any case, look me up on Twitter @MyLifeWithHarry and lets trend #WizardsDuel and #PuffPride!


Posted by on December 19, 2011 in My life with Harry


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